Privacy Policy


The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to describe what personal data and information we at Graphwise collect and use about you through our online interfaces (e.g., websites and email) owned and controlled by us, including and all subdomains (collectively referred to herein as the “Site”). At Graphwise, we believe that you should have control of your personal data. Control starts with information. This is why you should know what data we collect from you and how we use it. This notice and the accompanying policy is to enable you to make the best decisions about the information that you choose to share with us.


Who are we?

Graphwise is the Bulgarian company ONTOTEXT AD, registered in the Bulgarian Commercial Register with UIC 200421236, VAT number: BG200421236, with headquarters in 1700 Sofia, Bulgaria, company address: 79 Nikola Gabrovski Blvd., 3rd Floor. Graphwise also may refer to Ontotext USA Inc, 1115 Broadway, 16 Madison Square West, New York, NY 10010, Semantic Web Company GmbH Neubaugasse 1, Top 8, 1070 Vienna, Semantic Web Company, Inc., One Boston Place, Suite 2600, Boston, MA 02108, United States and PoolParty Software Ltd, 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H9JQ


Privacy Policy

By accessing and using any of Graphwise Sites, demonstrators or publicly available services, you expressly and knowingly consent to the information collection and use practices as described in this Privacy Policy.


Privacy Commitment

Our commitment to your privacy, is based on the following principles which we apply to our use of both your personally identifiable data (“Your Personal Data” or generally “Personal Data”) and to certain anonymous information we collect when you visit our sites (“Technical Information”, and together with Personal Data, “Your Data”):

  • We will describe Your Data we will collect;
  • We will inform you clearly about our collection and use of Your Data;
  • We will either seek your express informed consent or rely on other legally permissible bases for the use of Your Data – either way, we will inform you of the basis for our use of Your Data;
  • We will give you control over the privacy preferences that apply to Your Data, including the rights to (a) change your mind about our use, (b) have access to change or correct inaccurate aspects of Your Data, and (c) require that we delete all or parts of Your Data (d) request Your Data in a portable format;
  • We will not sell or rent Your Personal Data to others;
  • We endeavour to maximize the protection of Your Data, and provide you with prompt notice in the unlikely event that a data loss incident or breach occurs; and
  • We will endeavour to be completely transparent and open about our data privacy policies and practices.


What information does this Privacy Policy cover?

This Privacy Policy covers information we collect from you through all of our channels, including website, email and others. Some of our website’s functionality can be used without revealing any of Your Data. In order to access certain products, demonstrators or services, you may need to submit, or we may collect information that can be used to identify you. Your explicit consent for the processing of Your Data may be mandatory for certain products, demonstrators or services available on our Sites.

Your Personal Data can include information such as your name and email address, among other things. You are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the information you submit to us. Inaccurate information may affect your ability to use the site, download products, any follow-up information you request, and our ability to contact you. For example, your email address should be kept current because that is one of the primary manners in which we communicate with you.


How do we collect information?

We collect Your Data in the following ways:

  • You give it to us when you download software or documentation; register for an event such as a webinar; sign up for a newsletter; fill a form on the website or via any other sales or marketing channel;
  • You give it to us in email or phone inquiries; or
  • We automatically collect Technical Information when you visit our Sites.


What information do we collect?

When filling any form on the website, we collect Personal Data such as: names; phone; email; country of residence; company name, website and address; job title and category; social media data and nature of the interest.

In addition, we enrich the Personal Data above with Technical Information, related to:

  • Conversion point (when, where, what campaign, source);
  • Activity (dates of contact, email opens, link clicks, website visits, etc.);
  • Opt-in Date to trace your consent;
  • CRM identifiers;


How do we use Your Data collected at our sites?

We will use Your Data to:

  • Provide information, product or a service requested or consented to by you;
  • Comply with relevant contractual obligations with you and other third parties;
  • Improve Site performance and content, including troubleshooting and diagnostics;
  • Improve our engagement and interaction with you;
  • Facilitate your attendance at and participation in our events, communities or blogs;
  • Process a request or payment submitted to us;
  • Comply with legal requests;
  • Your Data will be processed in a lawful, fair and transparent manner in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation).


What are your rights to control Your Data?

You have the right to request that we:

  • Provide access to any of Your Personal Data we hold about you;
  • Prevent the processing of Your Personal Data for direct-marketing purposes;
  • Update any of Your Personal Data which is out of date or incorrect;
  • Delete Your Personal Data which we are holding about you (“right to be forgotten”);
  • Whenever you have given your consent for the collection and processing of Your Data, you may withdraw your consent;
  • Restrict the way that we process Your Personal Data;
  • Provide Your Personal Data to a third party provider of services; or
  • Provide you with a copy of Your Personal Data which we hold about you.

We try to answer every email promptly where possible, and provide our response within the time period stated by applicable law. Keep in mind, however, that there will be residual information that will remain within our databases, access logs and other records, which may or may not contain Your Personal Data. Please also note that certain parts of Your Personal Data may be exempt from such requests in certain circumstances, which may include if we need to keep processing Your Personal Data to comply with a legal obligation.

When you email us with a request, we may ask that you provide us with information necessary to confirm your identity. Any such request should be addressed to



Some of our Sites may store cookies on your computer/device in order to collect Technical Information regarding your preferences when you are using our Sites. The collected Technical Information is used to customize your browsing experience and optimize your interactions with our Sites. You can decline the use of cookies in which case we will not collect Technical Information. In such case a single cookie will be saved on your computer/device in order to remember your preference that you would not like us to collect Technical Information from your activity on our Sites.


What data do we retain?

We will only retain Your Data stored on our servers in accordance with the legitimate needs of our business and as required or permitted by applicable law, specifically Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation). We will not retain any unused Personal Data on our systems longer than necessary for legitimate business purposes.

Contact Us

Interested in driving growth? Have a general question? We’re just an email away.

Graphwise New York

Select Office Suites Flatiron
1115 Broadway, 16 Madison Square West
Suite 1200, New York, NY 10010, United States
+1 929 239 0659

Graphwise Sofia

Twins Centre
fl.3, 79 Nikola Gabrovski str.
1700 Sofia
+359 2 974 61 60

Graphwise Vienna

Semantic Web Company GmbH
Neubaugasse 1, Top 8
1070 Vienna

Graphwise London

PoolParty Software Ltd
71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden
London WC2H9JQ
United Kingdom

Graphwise Basel

Switzerland Innovation Park
Basel Area
Hegenheimermattweg 167A
4123 Allschwil,

Graphwise Boston

Semantic Web Company, Inc.
One Boston Place, Suite 2600
Boston, MA 02108
United States
+1 857 400-0183